23 сентября 2024

Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation от 23 сентября 2024

Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 23.09.2024

  • Decision of the Board of Directors of the bank of Russia dated September 13, 2024 on tariffs for the services of the Bank of Russia in the fast payment service of the Bank of Russia payment system and the maximum values of the fee charged by credit institutions from their clients for the transfer of funds by individuals to individuals, the transfer of funds by individuals to a single treasury account in the fast payment service of the Bank of Russia payment system


Dear colleagues,

this Newsletter to be sent once a week on Fridays in order to keep you informed of the most significant legal developments in the Russian legislation and to assist you in navigating within the ever-increasing information traffic.

You may apply to the GARANT Company for the current wording of any document contained in the newsletter. This is the most reliable option to obtain translations of the Russian legal acts that are being updated weekly.

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News of the week 

Moratorium on inspections: conditions for business have become tougher.

The rules of the moratorium on business inspections introduced at the beginning of 2022 have been significantly relaxed "in favour" of supervisory authorities: 

  • in 2024, in agreement with the prosecutor's office, unscheduled inspections will be carried out of individual entrepreneurs and organisations that have not notified about the start of entrepreneurial activity; without agreement with the prosecutor's office, unscheduled on-site inspections and raid inspections will be carried out in the area of control over transport security, if the Federal Security Service reports a possible violation that could weaken defence and security;
  • until 2030, as part of a fire raid inspection at facilities where several controlled persons work, the period of interaction with each may be up to 10 working days;
  • new cases of issuing orders based on the results of control (supervisory) activities without interaction with the controlled person (in the areas of transport security and control over cash registers) are provided);
  • the duration of preventive visits that cannot be cancelled has been increased from 1 to 10 days;
  • inspections can be carried out without notice within the framework of state control (supervision) in the area of consumer protection when risk indicators are triggered in relation to the retail sale of products that are subject to mandatory marking;
  • until 2030, the inspector has the right to immediately begin a documentary or on-site inspection if violations of mandatory requirements are identified during a test purchase (the test purchase period may be extended to 25 working days, and it will be announced 2 days after completion);
  • until 2030, an act on the results of a test or monitoring purchase can be drawn up within 5 working days from the date of completion of the procedure;
  • the procedure for state and municipal control during the introduction of a counter-terrorism operation regime has been established.

! Documents' full texts are avaiable in the commercial version of the Garant database «Legislation of Russia in English».

More helpful information

In a new video, we would like to come across with some helpful information on the extraordinary features of the GARANT's Legislation of Russia in English, ensuring the most convenient document management. 


We are pleased to offer you a presentation of our new commercial version of the Russian Legislation in English. The database contains more than 38,000 documents and covers various fields of law - civil and tax legislation, currency and customs regulation, accounting, banking and other business segments. Updates are released weekly, providing you with the most reliable information.

For presentation or any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us as you find convenient:

tel: +7 (495) 930-8603,
WhatsApp/Telegram: +7 (915) 025-9353

We'll be pleased to answer all your questions and negotiate business terms and conditions.