| Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 5.12.2023 | - Information from the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, dated December 1, 2023 - the Ministry of Sports has determined the list of physical culture and sports institutions and individual entrepreneurs for individuals to receive a tax deduction for sports activities
- Order of the Federal Tax Service No. BV-7-11/735@ of October 12, 2023 - approval of document formats used as part of the exchange of information in accordance with the rules of information exchange for tax deductions for personal income tax in a simplified procedure
- Order of the Federal Tax Service No. EA-7-11/824@ of November 8, 2023 - approval of the form of a certificate of payment for medical services for filing with a tax authority, the procedure for filling it in, the format and procedure for submitting it to the tax authority, by a medical institution or individual entrepreneur carrying out medical activities, information on the taxpayer’s actual expenses for services provided, necessary for providing a social tax deduction for personal income tax, in electronic form
- Order of the Federal Tax Service No. BV-7-11/736@ of October 12, 2023 - approval of the form of a certificate of payment of insurance premiums for submission to the tax authority, the procedure for filling it in, the format and procedure for submitting information on actual expenses of the taxpayer for the payment of insurance premiums necessary to provide a social tax deduction for personal income tax, in electronic form
- Order of the Federal Tax Service No. EA-7-3/816@ of November 7, 2023 - approval of the forms of the Book of accounting of income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs applying the taxation system for agricultural producers (unified agricultural tax), Book of accounting of income and expenses of organisations and individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system, Income Books of individual entrepreneurs using the patent taxation system, as well as procedures for filling them in
- Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-11/755@ of October 18, 2023 - approval of the form of a certificate of payment for educational services for submission to the tax authority, the procedure for filling it in, the format and procedure for submission to the tax authority by an educational organisation and an individual entrepreneur carrying out educational activities, information on the actual expenses of the taxpayer for services rendered, necessary to provide a social tax deduction for personal income tax, in electronic form
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 915 of December 1, 2023 - establishing the staff number of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
- Information from the Federal Service for Control of Alcohol and Tobacco Markets, dated December 1, 2023 - to attention of producers of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead, subject to labelling with identification means
- Information from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, dated December 1, 2023 - the average price of Urals oil for November 2023
- Order of the Federal Service for Supervision over Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications No. 149 of October 6, 2023 - approval of the requirements for the information on use of information technologies for providing information based on the collection, systematisation and analysis of data related to the preferences of Internet users, located on the territory of the Russian Federation, and posting such information on information resources