| Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 10.08.2023 | - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 603 of August 9, 2023 - on the temporary procedure for the execution of state guarantees of the Russian Federation provided in foreign currency
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 589 of August 8, 2023 - on a special procedure for settlements under foreign trade contracts for the supply of Russian agricultural products
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 588 of August 8, 2023 - on improving public administration in the field of tourism and tourism activities
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 587 of August 8, 2023 - on some issues of state management and control in the field of production and circulation of tobacco products, nicotine-containing products and raw materials for their production
- Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 253 of July 17, 2023 - on determining the List of professions of railway workers that perform production activities directly related to the movement of trains and shunting work, that undergo mandatory pre-trip or pre-shift medical examinations, mandatory post-trip or post-shift medical examinations , as well as, upon the request of employers, a medical examination for intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic or another intoxication)
- Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 564n of July 3, 2023 - approval of the Procedure and form for providing information to the insured person on the amounts of pension savings accounted for in the special part of the individual personal account or on the funded pension pension account, and the rights to payments from pension savings account
- Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 2701 of July 21, 2023 - approval of the list of goods (groups of goods) in respect of which the provisions of Articles 1252, 1254, Item 5 of Article 1286.1, Articles 1301, 1311, 1406.1, subitem 1 of the Article 1446, Articles 1472, 1515 and 1537 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation shall not be applicable, subject to the introduction of these goods (groups of goods) into circulation outside the territory of the Russian Federation by the right holders (patent holders), as well as with their consent: the list of goods for parallel import has been updated. The Ministry of Industry and Trade has approved a new list of foreign-made goods that are allowed to be imported into the country without the consent of right holders.