| Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 10.01.2022 | - Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1139 of December 27, 2021 on approval of the Procedure for compulsory state fingerprint registration and photographing of foreign citizens and stateless persons that arrived into the Russian Federation for purposes not related to implementation of labour activities for a period exceeding ninety calendar days , or in order to carry out labour activities
- Federal Law of No. 441-FZ of December 30, 2021 on amendments to Article 15.3 of the Federal Law on Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection and Articles 3 and 5 of the Federal Law on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation
- Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 275 of August 16, 2021 on approval of the Federal Aviation Rules on the air transportation of weapons and ammunition
- Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1167 of December 28, 2021 on approval of the procedures for use by public authorities of documents in the form of a card with an digital data storage device issued to foreign citizens or stateless persons for their identification using biometric personal data
- Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6007-U of December 8, 2021 on insurance rates for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners
- Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 205n of December 2, 2021 on approval of the Procedure for forming the identifier of a state contract, agreement (contract) for treasury support of funds
- Information Letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-03-46/106 of December 29, 2021 on non-application of measures related to implementation of certain requirements of Federal Law No. 218-FZ and regulations of the Bank of Russia
- Federal Law No. 446-FZ of December 30, 2021 on amendments to the Federal Law on Environmental Protection and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation