| Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 19.07.2017 | - Information of the Federal Tax Service of July 17, 2017 on the publication of open data of legal entities
- Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 97n of June 20, 2017 on the endorsement of the procedure for submission of application of organization, individual entrepreneur, agricultural producer of goods, citizen running a subsidiary husbandry on the submission of adjusting declarations of the volume of production, circulation and/or use of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, of the use of production capacities, of the volume of grape harvests and grapes used for making wine after the available deadline and adoption of the decision on opportunities to submit the adjusting declarations after the available deadline
- Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 590-P of June 28, 2017 on the procedure for credit organizations to form reserves for possible losses for loans, debts in loans and similar debts
- Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 180-I of June 28, 2017 on the obligatory normatives of banks
- Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 4429-U of June 21, 2017 on the information disclosed by the central counterparty, requirements for the procedure and deadlines for disclosing it, as well as on the rules for providing information to clearing members