| Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 25.03.2013 | - Decision of the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 13 of January 25, 2013 on the amendments to Decision of the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 73 of November 17, 2011 on the individual issues of the practice of application of the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the lease contract
- Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-3/1014@ of December 27, 2012 on the endorsement of the form of patent for the right of application of the patent system of taxation
- Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 1409 of October 3, 2012 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the execution of the state function of state control (supervision) of observance of obligatory requirements of state standards and technical regulations
- Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 1440 of October 10, 2012 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the provided state service of keeping of the joint register of registered systems of voluntary certification
- Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-13/907@ of November 26, 2012 on the endorsement of the forms of documents used when checking and drawing up the results of checking of complete calculation and payment of taxes in the cases of transactions between related persons, the grounds and procedure of prolongation of the deadline of checking of complete calculation and payment of taxes in the cases of transactions between related persons, requirements to the act of checking of complete calculation and payment of taxes in the cases of transactions between related persons