| Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 27.06.2011 | - Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 498 of June 23, 2011 on Some Issues of Pursuance of Private Detective (Investigation) and Private Security Activities
Sets out rules for licensing private detective (investigation) and security activities and carrying out such activities, both institutions and individual entrepreneurs. A list of the types of technical security facilities used to protects installations and property is confirmed as well as a list of licence terms and conditions for each type of security services. A private detective may either provide investigative services under a contract with each client or gather information concerning a criminal case on an order of parties to litigation. For the latter, the licensee is to notify in writing an inquirer, investigator or the court within 24 hours. The Government's decision endorsing the Regulations on Licensing Non-State (Private) Security and Investigation Activity is superseded. - Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 475 of June 20, 2011 on Amending Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 74 of January 30, 2002
Modifies the procedure for conferring scientific degrees on scientists and teaching staff. It is defined that certificates issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation are recognised as well as other documents for the purposes of conferring such degrees. New regulations on the procedure for conferring scientific degrees is adopted. For instance, the Degree of Doctor of Science is awarded by a board for defence of the theses of seekers of Degree of Candidate (Doctor) of Science. For that purpose a seeker is to publicly defend his thesis and is supposed to hold Degree of Candidate of Science. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation will issue a certificate of doctor of science on the basis of a decision of the aforesaid board and a positive statement of the Higher Qualification Certification Board under the Ministry. A person may be deprived of his degree by the Ministry or the board for defence of theses. - Order of the Federal Customs Service No. 1070 of May 27, 2011 on Endorsing the Regulations on Carrying out Customs Transactions and Customs Control in Respect of Aircraft and the Goods Carries by Them
Provides a new procedure for customs control in respect of aircraft and goods they carry due to the adoption of the new Law on Customs Regulation. A carrier has the duty of notifying a customs body of the arrival of an aircraft in the territory of the Customs Union by means of providing certain documents and information, for instance documents acknowledging that bans and restrictions have been observed, save non-tariff regulation measures. Information may be provided before the actual arrival. When goods are leaving a document allowing their exportation must be filed. The documents may be filed by a customs representative or other persons on his instructions. If the customs body has no information about such person the captain of the aircraft or the crew member having relevant powers will be treated as such person. Goods prohibited for import must be immediately taken out of the territory by the carrier or their owner. Another procedure may be envisaged by the legislation or international contracts of the member states of the Customs Union. Otherwise, the goods will be apprehended and placed in a temporary storage warehouse deemed a customs control zone. The order enters into force upon the expiry of 30 days after being officially published. The provisions concerning the electronic filing of documents are effective from January 1, 2012. - Order of the Federal Customs Service No. 976 of May 12, 2011 on the Form of a Declaration to a Customs Body of Updated Information about the Goods Declared in a Periodical Customs Declaration
Provides forms whereby information on the goods declared in a periodical customs declaration can be updated, i.e. KDT1 and KDT2 deemed an integral part of the customs declaration. Order of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation No. 2407 of December 13, 2010 previously defining the manner in which such information could be updated is superseded. The order enters into force upon the expiry of 30 days after being officially published. |