| Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 23.06.2011 | - Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of 22 June 2011 г. No. 494 on Endorsing the Rates of Export Customs Duties on Crude Oil and Certain Categories of Petroleum Products Exported to Destinations outside of the Territories of the Russian Federation and of the States Being Party to the Agreements on the Customs Union
Export duties on crude oil and petroleum products are reduced, effective as of July 1, 2011, for instance for oil from $462.1 to $445,1 per ton. Duty on light and medium distillates, gas oil, benzene, toluene and xylene fall to $298.2 per ton. The rate for propane, butane, ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene and other liquefied gases is set at $172,9 per ton (earlier it was $189.8). The rate is reduced from $215.8 to $207.8 for exported liquid fuels, oils, used petroleum products, petrolatum, mineral wax and some other products. For oil with density at 20°С from 694.7 to 887.6 kg/cu. m and sulphur from 0.04 to 1,5 the rate is reduced from $217.5 to $205,8 per ton, except for the oil produced in Vankor, Verkhnaya Chona and Talakan Oil and Gas Condensate fields. The decision enters into force as of July 1, 2011. - Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 485 of June 20, 2011 on Endorsing the Regulations on the State System Intended to Monitor the Drug Situation in the Russian Federation
A procedure is defined for using the various sources of information to keep watch on narcotics on the federal and regional levels including monitoring transactions involving drugs and their precursors and fighting the illegal traffic involving them. Non-medical consumption of drugs, medical treatment and rehabilitation of addicts will be controlled. The objective is to assess the prevailing situation in Russia, the scope of drug traffic and consumption, threats to national security and the effectiveness of anti-drug policies. A comprehensive databank on drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors will be kept on national and regional levels. - Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 480 of June 20, 2011 on Amending and Deeming No Longer Effective Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law on Amending Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Transfer of the Powers to Exercise Some Kinds of State Control to the Customs Bodies of the Russia Federation
The decision is relating to Federal Law No. 394-FZ of December 28, 2010. Customs bodies are to exercise transport, veterinary and phytosanitary control at the state border and are entitled to take decisions on clearance of vehicles and products for being brought into Russia or taken out of this country or sent to special check-points for being inspected by officials of the Federal Service for Supervision over Protection of Consumers' Rights and Human Wellbeing and the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision. The formerly effective rules concerning the documents submitted to customs bodies at check-points have been superseded. The decision comes into force as of the effective date of the aforesaid law. - Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 476 of June 20, 2011 on Amending and Deeming No Longer Effective Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on Conferring Academic Ranks
The procedure for conferring academic ranks is modified in line with changes in the legislation. Earlier certain academic ranks, like professor, used to be conferred by the Federal Service for Supervision over Education and Science, and by the Higher Qualification Certification Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science. Now it is the prerogative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on a statement issued by the Higher Qualification Certification Commission. Earlier the Federal Service for Supervision over Education and Science could grant the right to conduct a final expert examination of appraisal documents for seekers of ranks to the academic boards of some higher educational and qualification upgrade institutions. This norm is no longer effective. - Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 474 of June 20, 2011 on Endorsing the Regulations on the Higher Qualification Certification Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Defines the powers of the Higher Qualification Certification Commission to support the state appraisal of scientific and teaching staff by means of submitting statements to the Ministry on matters like the conferring of academic ranks and the equivalency of foreign countries' certificates of scientific degrees and academic ranks as well as issuing recommendations concerning examinations etc. The members of the commission are to be doctors of sciences and specialists in sciences, technology, education and culture confirmed by the Government of the Russian Federation for a five-year term. - Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1021-r of June 10, 2011
A Concept of Reducing Administrative Barriers and Improving Access to Municipal and State Services for the Years 2011-2013 is provided as well as a plan for implementing it. Complex services rather than separate ones will be provided to the public for such cases as the birth of a child, the purchase of immovable property, the opening of a business et. The various types of registration (residence, military, cadastral, taxation), the provision of pensions and benefits, the issuance of driving licences etc. will be optimised. 1500 multi-functional centres will be set up to provide services to the public. A uniform list of the types of activity subject to licensing and a procedure for the licensing thereof will be established. - Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 203 of April 29, 2011 on Endorsing the Procedure for Supervising the Activities of Self-Regulating Organisations of Appraisers
A procedure is provided for the Federal Service on State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) to monitor the activities of self-regulating organisations of appraisers to check if they observe the Russian legislation -- by means of inspections and verification of documents. |