| Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 20.06.2011 | - Federal Law No. 145-FZ of June 17, 2011 on Amending the Law of the Russian Federation on Education
Concerns supplementary general-education curricula in the field of the arts and children's schools of the arts. The aim is to find gifted children and prepare them for enrolling in specialised educational institutions - Federal Law No. 144-FZ of June 16, 2011 on Amending the Law of the Russian Federation on Education and the Federal Law on Higher and Post-Graduate Professional Education
Introduces the assistant probation as a form of two-year post-graduate education for creative performers in the area of culture and the arts. Federal executive governmental bodies are designated as responsible for setting federal state standards governing the structure of basic curricula for post-graduate studies in the various areas including culture and public-health. - Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 465 of June 14, 2011 on Establishing the Living Wage on a Per-Capita Basis and for the Main Socio-Demographic Groups of the Population for the Russian Federation as a Whole for Quarter I of the Year 2011
For Quarter I of 2011 the living wage for Russia as a whole has grown by more than 500 roubles as compared with the preceding period, to reach 6,473 roubles for capable persons and 5,122 roubles for retirees. In Russia it is used to assess the standard of living and to set the minimum wage, stipends, benefits and other social allowances. - Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 181 of April 18, 2011 on Endorsing the Form of an Agreement for Provision of Subsidies out of the Federal Budget for the Budgets of Subjects of the Russian Federation for the Purpose of Developing Housing Construction in the Subjects of the Russian Federation within the Framework of the Subprogramme "Provision of Incentives for Programmes of Development of Housing Construction of Subjects of the Russian Federation " of the Federal Target Programme "Dwelling" for the Years 2011-2015
Within the framework of aforesaid programme regions are eligible for subsidies. To receive them they have to conclude an agreement with the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the form of the agreement being provided by this order. |