| Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 17.06.2011 | - Federal Law No. 141-FZ of June 14, 2011 on Amending the Code of Mercantile Navigation of the Russian Federation
Mostly these amendments concern changes in the structure and powers of federal executive governmental bodies and eliminate the drawbacks that had revealed themselves in practical application. Responsibility for supervising the observance of international agreements and the Russian legislation on mercantile navigation is now vested in the federal executive governmental body in charge of control and supervision in the area of transport. Also the body will deal with investigating accidents at sea according to regulations. The federal executive governmental body in charge of fishing will supervise mercantile navigation inasmuch as it concerns the safety of fishing fleet vessels when they navigate in fishing areas. Navigation and hydrographical support in respect of sea routes falls within the area of responsibility of the body in charge of national defence, except for Northern sea routes and the areas of sea ports and approaches thereto which will be within the jurisdiction of the federal executive governmental body responsible for the provision of state services and management of state property in the area of sea transport. According to the law the captain of a vessel is to commit certain actions in respect of perpetrators of wrongdoings contravening the law and endangering the safety of sea navigation. Vessels carrying over 2,000 tons of oil in bulk will have problems if they fail to have a certificate of financial security for civil liability for oil spillage, for instance will be prohibited to call at Russian ports and leave them. - Federal Law No. 138-FZ of June 14, 2011 on Amending Article 16 of the Federal Law on Promoting Housing Construction and the Land Code of the Russian Federation
According to the amendments citizens having more than two children acquire the right to get a land plot free of charge, for example to build a house on it. The grounds and procedure for it shall be established by laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation. State cadastral record of pieces of immovable property may be kept for instance by a state budget-funded institution under the jurisdiction of the federal executive governmental body empowered to keep such record. Land plots may be transferred free of charge from state ownership into municipal on, and from the ownership of one municipal formation into the ownership of another, the purpose of that being the need to grant such land plots to citizens free of charge. Effective as of the date of official publication. - Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 662 of May 19, 2011 on Amending the List of the Goods Temporarily Imported as Fully Conditionally Exempt from Customs Duties and Taxes endorsed by Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 331 of June 18, 2010 and Amending Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 375 of September 20, 2010
Allows to temporarily import civil passenger planes featuring up to 19 passenger seats free of customs charges for up to 30 days (180 days over the calendar year). Also some aspects of customs procedure application are modified. - Letter of the Federal Service for Supervision over Protection of Consumers' Rights and Human Wellbeing No. 01/7310-1-32 of June 15, 2011 on the Requirements Applicable to Organising the Provision of Meals for Children in Summer Health-Rehabilitation Institutions
Stricter sanitary and hygienic rules are introduced in children's camps, for instance certain foodstuffs and meals listed in detail in the letter are prohibited to be on the menu. |