| Garant. Daily monitoring of the Federal legislation at 16.06.2011 | - Federal Law No. 143-FZ of June 14, 2011 on Amending Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation for the Purpose of Improving the Mechanisms Whereby Citizens' Electoral Rights Are Ensured
Makes it easier for disabled persons to take part in the various elections as voters or candidates. - Federal Law No. 142-FZ of June 14, 2011 on Amending Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of Legal Regulation of the Mass Media
A universal licence is instituted for television and radio broadcasting in any media (ground, air, cable and satellite), the effective term thereof set at ten years. The preparation and dissemination of television and radio channel packages by means of satellite capacity is separated from broadcasting and requires a permit issued by a federal executive body. One and the same procedure governs the distribution of foreign television and radio channels and domestic ones as they have to be registered in Russia as mass media. Definitions are provided for the mass medium and the network edition. A state information system is created in the area of mass media. The President of the Russian Federation will endorse a list of compulsory general-access television and radio channels which will be issued with a universal licence without an auction to broadcast on the entire territory of Russia. A broadcaster must inform the licensor about the communication operators providing services thereto in terms of transmitting television and radio channel, and a communication operator, about the broadcasters cooperating with him. Except for some provisions, the law enters into force as of November 10, 2011. The licences issued earlier shall keep effective until the end of their term. - Federal Law No. 140-FZ of June 14, 2011 on Amending Article 14 of the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation and Article 30 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation
According to the law the composition of a court may be formed by means of an automated information system allowing to avoid the influence of biased persons. - Federal Law No. 139-FZ of June 14, 2011 on Amending the Federal Law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in Connection with the Improvement of Control over Transactions Involving the Precursors of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Enhances control in respect of some precursors which are not used in the industry but may be used in the preparation of narcotics and psychotropic substances, such precursors being included in List I (circulation prohibited), while the precursors used in the industry and households still remain in List IV (transactions limited). Accordingly, the precursors from List I may be used only for scientific, educational, expert and investigation purposes. Any operations involving precursors and resulting in a change in quantity thereof are to be recorded in log-books kept for ten years. The law enters into force upon the expiry of 120 days after being officially published. - Federal Law No. 137-FZ of June 14, 2011 on Amending the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and Article 71 of the Federal Law on Hunting and Conservation of Game Resources and on Amending Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
The federal authorities have the power to set age limits for logging and define rules for the procurement of forest resources, forest restoration, fire and sanitary safety in woodlands etc. in respect of the various types of woods. Geological prospecting of the sub-soil on woodlands does not necessarily require the allocation of a forest tract, unless it implies cutting plants and erecting major structures. With some exceptions, like hydrocarbon geological and mining facilities, major construction sites are prohibited in forests located in water protection zones. Also, major construction sites (with said exceptions) are prohibited in the no-go zones of forests near bodies of water. From July 1, 2011 to July 1, 2012 the effective hunting licences issued before that date have to be replaced with similar standard-design documents. - Federal Law No. 136-FZ of June 14, 2011 on Medical Assistance for the Russian Federation Citizens Being Members of the Civilian Personnel of Military Formations of the Russian Federation Stationed on the Territories of Some Foreign States, Their Family Members and the Family Members of Military Servicemen Undergoing Military Service under a Contract in These Military Formations and on Amending Article 11 of the Federal Law on Mandatory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation
It is established that family members of the military servicemen of the units deployed in the Commonwealth of Independent States and in Abkhazia and the South Ossetia are eligible for free medical assistance. The Government of the Russian Federation designates companies to provide mandatory medical insurance for non-working citizens. - Federal Law No. 136-FZ of June 14, 2011 on Medical Assistance for the Russian Federation Citizens Being Members of the Civilian Personnel of Military Formations of the Russian Federation Stationed on the Territories of Some Foreign States, Their Family Members and the Family Members of Military Servicemen Undergoing Military Service under a Contract in These Military Formations and on Amending Article 11 of the Federal Law on Mandatory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation
It is established that family members of the military servicemen of the units deployed in the Commonwealth of Independent States and in Abkhazia and the South Ossetia are eligible for free medical assistance. The Government of the Russian Federation designates companies to provide mandatory medical insurance for non-working citizens. - Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 12-P of June 9, 2011 on the Case of Verification of the Constitutionality of Provisions of Item 7 of Article 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation and Part 1 of 9 of the Federal Law on Operative Investigation in Connection with the Complaint of Citizen I.V. Anosov
The decision is dedicated to the admissibility of investigative measures in respect of district court judges when they are not accused or no criminal action concerning judges has been brought but such measures restrict their civil rights or immunity. Permission to take the measures may be given by a panel of three judges of a higher court of a certain level in the procedure defined in that decision by the Constitutional Court which deems the rules may be further updated by the federal legislator. - Order of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 342n of April 26, 2011 on Endorsing the Procedure for an Appraisal of Working Places in Terms of Working Conditions
New detailed rules are provided for an assessment of working places, effective from September 1, 2011. As before, it is to be carried out at least once in five years to see if employees' working conditions comply with hygienic and safety-on-the-job standards. A report will be drawn up for each working place, sent to a state inspectorate, and the employee must read it. - Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 44n of April 19, 2011 on Endorsing the Procedure for Keeping a State Register of Self-Regulating Organisations of Credit Consumer Cooperatives
Rules for keeping such state register are provided. An organisation willing to register or amend an entry in the register is to apply to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The information contained in the register is open for the public and governmental bodies and is available in the internet free of charge. - Letter of the Bank of Russia No. 87-T of June 14, 2011 on the Methodological Recommendations on the Provision and Disclosure of Information on Long-Term Assets (or Disposal Groups) Intended for Sale or Distribution when Credit Organisations Draw up Financial Statements in Accordance with the International Accounting Standards
Explains how information is to be disclosed in a credit organisation's accounting statements and how long-term assets (or disposal groups held for sale or distribution to owners) are to be classified, appraised and re-classified. The basic financial statements are described. The letter is applicable from the date of publication in Vestnik Banka Rossii. |